Utility Incentives

Utility Incentives

Design teams are too busy designing and constructing buildings to worry about utility incentives

Utility incentive programs offer big money, but can be very complex!  They change annually, have very specific documentation, eligibility, and timing requirements, and often require energy savings calculations to be provided. However, getting the owner a big check at the end of a project is worth it!

Design teams use G2 Energy Solutions to help with rebates because of our track record and experience: we gotten our clients millions of dollars through hundreds of projects and worked on project across the country. In past cases, we’ve actually been hired by the utility companies as technical experts!

We are specifically adept and knowledgeable in the following utility programs:

In addition to individual project incentive services, we can help in the following related areas:

  • DSM Program consulting

  • 3rd party technical review / QC

  • Tax deductions & abatement (e.g. 179D & Nevada green building tax abatement program)

Add value to your project with incentives.