Design Evaluation
Design Evaluation
Whether you’re trying to decide which HVAC system to select or which glass to use, the G2 team can help!
We can work with the whole design team to provide design evaluation services and answer these kinds of questions. Ideally, we get started at Schematic Design or early Design Development stages, to provide ongoing feedback on the building’s energy use and how different design decisions will affect it. Perhaps the most valuable feedback we provide is which efficiency improvements will provide a positive ROI, and which will not.
Example studies have included:
Comparing insulation levels
Impact of shading devices and glass options
Comparing HVAC system alternatives (package & split system units, water source heat pumps (WSHP), ground source heat pump (GSHP), variable refrigerant flow (VRF), chilled water (CHW), evaporative cooling applications, energy recovery, boiler options, and economizers)
And many more!
Beyond design evaluation, we can help in the following related areas:
New technology analysis
Value engineering (VE) analysis
Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA)