LEED Insights: January 2024 USGBC Update

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On January 10, 2024, the USGBC held on updates that will be occurring to the LEEDv4 Minimum Energy Performance prerequisite (EAp2) and the Optimize Energy Performance credit (EAc2). This article features key takeaways as a resource to inform individuals and companies involved in commercial LEED projects. Screenshots from USGBC’s presentation are also shown below as references.


Through the result of internal decisions and a couple months of public comment opportunities, after 10 years of stability, the USGBC announced significant changes to EAp2 and EAc2 across just about every instance of LEED v4 New Construction (BD+C, ID+C, Multifamily, Homes) as shown in the screen capture below. Their stated intent was to better align with current building codes and maintain their goal of leadership with impacting climate change.

This change will occur for projects registering on or after March 1, 2024.

Key Takeaways

1)   EAp2 performance is increasing

This isn’t surprising as most projects are permitted on more stringent codes than what LEED v4 was requiring as a comparison: ASHRAE 90.1-2010. The slide from the presentation below illustrates these new thresholds for BD+C.

The USGBC did provide plentiful options for demonstrating the prerequisite:

a) Meet savings targets for Cost, Source Energy, or GHG Emissions

This gives project teams flexibility within their project that may have unfavorable comparisons when using the energy simulation path of v4. Previously, only cost saving was typical.

b) Utilize v4.1 (ASHRAE 90.1-2016) as a credit substitution

This can be done using Appendix G (Performance Rating Method) or Chapter 11 (Energy Cost Budget Method) or utilizing prescriptive code documentation from a local energy code that is newer and more stringent than ASHRAE 90.1-2016, such as 90.1-2019 or 2022 or IECC 2018 or 2021.

  • This can simplify design team requirements, especially if EAc2 will be pursued prescriptively.

c) Utilize electrification pilot credits EApc161 or EApc160

These are electrification-focused credits for using either the performance (161) or prescriptive (160 path). A path for EAp2 is also defined here.

d) Onsite renewable energy now counts toward prerequisite performance

The energy generated from renewable systems will count toward cost, source, and GHG savings of the prerequisite. Previously, it was energy efficiency only.

2) EAc2 credits have higher thresholds & depend on GHG performance

As seen in the screen capture below, thresholds for EAc2 have gotten noticeably higher and have been split between cost or source energy and GHG emissions. Thresholds were adjusted uniquely for the different categories of BD+C and ID+C, such as warehouses, data centers, etc.

Previously, a standard BD+C project with 25% cost savings would get 10 points from EAc2 under LEED v4. Now, this same project may only get 2-4 points depending on the GHG performance of the building. Regional priority bonus credits are also more difficult. 

This change to dual metrics is consistent with updates to LEED v4.1 for EAc2, so this is not surprising. Major impacts from this change include:   

a)   v4.1 may be the more attractive option in some cases

Because of the more stringent code of 90.1-2016, v4.1 has lower thresholds, and some projects may perform better under this new standard. It will depend on how the codes apply to the individual project.

b)   Projects with electrification focus and/or renewable energy will do better

The emphasis on GHG emission performance will naturally favor projects making a concerted effort to lower GHG emissions. Projects in colder climates with cleaner grids, such as the Northwest, Northeast, and Virginia/Carolina with perform particularly well with electrification strategies.

  • There are several ways to determine GHG performance, besides the default method in the Minimum Energy Performance Calculator. Check out our past article for info.

Renewable energy systems were updated (beneficially) in how they contribute toward source energy use. Additionally, offsite renewable energy will contribute toward the GHG performance credits only as seen in the screenshot below.

In Summary

1.     Projects wanting to maximize LEED points should register and pay before February 29, 2024 to stay under current v4 methodology.

2.     Prerequisite performances will be higher, but there are lots of options to qualify.

3.     EAc2 point thresholds are higher and now divided between cost or source energy savings, and GHG emissions. Projects must now emphasize GHG reduction strategies to perform well.

4.     Some projects may gain higher points using v4.1 or electrification pilot credits.

What about your project?

Contact us if you need any help on energy credits on a LEED project. This could be advising on a project struggling for points or providing the energy modeling on a new project.

Contact G2 Energy Solutions today for a quote!

About Craig Green

Craig Green is the managing principal at G2 Energy Solutions, an energy engineering consulting firm based in Phoenix, Arizona. Over the last decade, Craig has performed the energy modeling as well as other energy requirements on dozens of LEED certified projects.   

For questions on the article or to discuss working with G2 Energy Solutions, please contact Craig at 602-989-3974 or craig.green@g2energysolutions.com.

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